Trial Mode Trial mode is a mode excusive to the PSP version of Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble. It intially consists of 10 trials but more are unlocked as the player begins to clear the stages. Some trials can only be played with a set character while others can be done with any previously unlocked character. Once a trial with a new character has been completed, that character can then be.
The TITLEappears in whiteletters -
MUSIC. Borodin's 'Polovtsian Dances,' Chicago Symphony
Orchestra, begins to play. The stormy part.
The credits have that depressing, shitty, this is going
to be one of thoselousyblack and whitemovies from the
1950s look. This is going to be one of thosecheap teen
sci-fi moviesabout a creature
MUSIC. When the female star's name appears, Borodin's
theme, which will laterbecomeadapted into 'Strangers In
Paradise,' plays. Then we return to the stormy part,
which subsides as:
The followingLEGENDappears on the field of grey:
'You only live twice.
Once when you're born,
Once when you look death in the face.'
-- James Bond
The LEGEND remains, but the field of grey turns to a rich
texture of solid gold.
MUSIC. 'The Girl From Ipanema,' sung by the likes of Tom
Waits, sung like it was the Downestblues song anybody
ever croaked out just before the final curtain. The
MUSIC starts as the fieldturns from grey to gold. The
We're in color now, but it's a grey world. It's an ugly
building about the size of a city block and a couple of
stories high. It's surrounded by hurricanefence topped
with barbed wire. Outside the fence is a muddy parking
lot. On the fence is a sign that reads:

a subsidiary of
The sign also has an abstract logo; a sort've German
Expressionist's version of a lightning bolt. Another
sign reads:
It's a grey winter's morning. It's raining or snowing or
it just has or it's about to. There's a guard at a gate
nodding workersinside the fence. They trail listlessly
past him and continue on their way to the building's
entrance. Most of them carry or are using grey or black
umbrellas. Since they are coming from the parking lot,
and since the entrance to the building is stillalmost a
city block away once inside the fence, this straggling
line of workersstretcheshundreds of yards. Some of the
workers wear hats.
We see the line of workersFROMHIGH OVERHEAD
The line is in the same shape as the lightning bolt logo.
One of theseworkers is JOE BANKS. Joe is in his early
thirties. He's wearing a beat-up blacktrench coat;
under the trench coat he's got on a cheap and square
jacket and tie. This is a depressed man. You can see
where he could be cool, where he could have something on
the ball. But he's way too beaten down and depressed to
be cool. Joe steps in a puddle. He pulls his shoe out
of the water. He notices the sole is comingloose from
the shoe. This depresses him further. He walks on. The
sound of the WATERSQUISHING in his shoe can be heard.
Joe is shuffling down the main walk in the building. On
his left are doorsleading to offices. On his right is
the factory, which has the feel of an airplane hangar.
The factory is separated from the walk on which Joe
progresses by a heavy wire fencetwelve feet high. Joe
passes by a sign on this fence that says 'Shipping.' This
area is filled with thousands of browncardboard boxes; a
shipping clerkamongtheseboxespulls a lever on a
device; the devicespews out several feet of wet brown
tape. Joe continues on. He passes a sign on the fence
that says 'Canteen.' This area contains a row of vending
machines and two long tables; a guy who looks like he's
going to die is sitting at one of the tableseating pink
Hostess snowballs; he eats them in a slow, dismal way, as
if they were giantsleeping pills. Joe continues on. He
passes a sign on the fence that says 'Quality Control.'
This is the biggest area; it's filled with workers in
shower caps and worn white jackets; they work a distance
apart from each other, at long tables; they are
inspecting terrifyingmedical instruments. One of these
workers, a middle-aged womannamed Sally, attaches a
Igt Volcano Slot Machine
catheter to an air pump. The catheterinflates and
finally explodes. Sallyseems satisfied. Joe continues
Viewtiful Joe Volcano Slot Machine Winners
on, his shoe distantly SQUISHING. He stops at one of the
office doors on his left. The lettering on the door
- Create New
Viewtiful Joe is a combination of Platformer and Progressive Beat-Em-Up. The games were originally released on the Nintendo GameCube, and also appeared in enhanced form on Sony PlayStation 2, with a third game on the Nintendo DS.

The story begins when film fan Joe and his girlfriend, Silvia, go to see an old Tokusatsu movie. However, when Silvia is unexpectedly kidnapped by the villain, Joe is brought into movie land to save her. The first game saw Joe running through various movie sets, defeating Mecha-Mooks with his powers of VFX Slow, VFX Mach Speed, and VFX Zoom (Optics), in an attempt to rescue Silvia from the evil Jadow and thus prevent them from escaping to the real world.
In The Sequel, Joe and Silvia must stop the alien Gedow from taking over Movie Land and the real world.
A Third Game, subtitled Double Trouble, was released on the Nintendo DS. It has similar gameplay, but new moves which take advantage of the double screen.
There is also a Mascot Fighter, Red Hot Rumble, featuring characters from the Anime series, as well as a few from Devil May Cry in the PSP version of the game. This game is not connected to the main series, and its gameplay is similar to that of the Super Smash Bros.. games.
These games are quite hard, but also very good fun. Gameplay is reminiscent of old Streets of Rage or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games, and should appeal to young and old alike. Thankfully, none of the games take themselves very seriously.
As well as those, there has been an anime adaptation, which maintains much of the feel of the original, but only lasted one season in the U.S.
Unfortunately, Clover Studios, the makers of Viewtiful Joe, shut down, and the lead designer is now with another company. Though he's expressed interest in completing his console trilogy, the outlook is grim.
Viewtiful Joe Gamecube
Capcom has not left Joe out to dry, however. After Clover's demise, Joe appeared as a playable character in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, the latest entry in the Capcom vs. Whatever franchise. He then appeared in Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. Regardless of what happens to his home series, Joe has found acceptance in Capcom's stable, ensuring he at least stays visible for the foreseeable future.
- Absolute Cleavage: Sprocket.
- Airborne Mooks: Verdy enemies.
- Alien Invasion: GEDOW. The grunts of the army, the Flatties, even resemble the infamous 'Flatwoods Monster' of UFO lore.
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: Played with. Guess the motif behind Silvia's henshin form.
- All the Worlds Are a Stage: Source of the Viewtiful Joe Boss Rush type.
- Animated Actors: Taken seriously for once.
- Artifact of Doom: The Black Film. Complete with mind-manipulating abilities.
- Ascended Fanboy: Joe himself.
- Asskicking Pose: Viewtiful Forever, one of the most expensive upgrades, actually damages Joe's opponents when he uses it -- too bad it does crap for damage and gobbles up practically all of VFX.
- On the other hand, Joe IS invincible during the animation, which can give you a little breather during combat, and with a VFX Turbo Charger, the invincibility lasts long enough to turn back into Viewtiful mode.
- Awesome but Impractical: The Six Cannon. Unlike the other Viewtiful Switchmoves, the VFX gauge needs to be extended almost all the way up to the maximum. It also requires a good deal of time for charging, which leaves you vulnerable for the duration (and if you're hit, you have to start over again). And then when you finally get around to firing it, it turns out that this attack is better for Mooks crowd control than against a boss. However, use VFX Slow and you'll be rewarded witha crawling blast of death that bites CHUNKS out of any boss's lifebar.
- Back from the Dead: In Double Trouble, Queen Heinderella is really Junko, Joe and Jasmine's deceased mother who has descended from Heaven for a day to see how her children have grown.
- Bare Your Midriff: Jasmine.
- Battle Couple: Joe and Silvia, natch.
- Beat Them At Their Own Game: To put out Fire Leo's flames so he can be attacked directly, Joe's only option is to set himself on fire with a flame that burns hotter. The only way to do that is to use the meteors he leaves behind and hammer them with Mach Speed until you catch on fire.
- Big Bad: King Blue/Captain Blue in 1, Dark Emperor Jet Black in 2, Queen Heinderella (who is actually Junko) in Double Trouble, Tsukumo in Red Hot Rumble.
- Black Knight: The Dark Emperor.
- Bodyguard Crush: In the anime, Charles the 3rd for Sprocket.
- Body Surf: Tsukumo does this in Red Hot Rumble.
- Book Ends: In the first game, the 'Plot Twist' speech. Uttered by Joe against the first boss and Silvia at the end.
- Boss Rush: The penultimate level in three of the four games.
- Bowdlerization: In the English adaptation of the anime, Silvia's Henshin form was changed from 'Sexy Silvia' to 'Go-Go Silvia' and 'Six Machine' was changed into 'Machine Six' (presumably to prevent it from being heard as 'Sex Machine').
- Bragging Rights Reward: Captain Blue, if you beat 'Ultra V-Rated' mode in the first game.
- Brother-Sister Team: Joe and Jasmine apparently become one at the end of Double Trouble, although they did work in tandem quite well even before Jasmine became a superheroine.
- Bullet Time: The Slow ability. Naturally, it homages The Matrix by having Joe automatically dodge bullets just when they're about to hit him, at the expense of some VFX (though VFX Slow can't auto-dodge everything). It can also be used to punch said bullets back at whoever fired them.
- Zooming in as you do a VFX dodge is how the aforementioned Viewtiful Forever move is performed.
- Butt Monkey: Alastor; he's always given the short end of the stick.
- By the Power of Greyskull: 'Henshin a go-go, baby!'.
- There are several variations too: 'Henshin!' for Silvia and Captain Blue, 'Devil Trigger!' and 'Trigger me!' for Alastor, 'Devil May Cry (is rockin' baby yeah)!' for Dante, 'Tenshin!' for Jet Black, 'Jushin a go-go, baby!' for Jasmine, and 'Henshin a yo-yo, baby!' for Captain Blue Jr.
- Joe also says 'Henshin around!' sometimes, apparently just for the variety.
- As per Captain Blue's original instructions, Joe's actual trigger phrase is just 'Henshin!' as well. Joe just adds more to it because he's... well, he's Joe.
- Chekhov's Gun: The V-Film in Double Trouble. Not only does its essence allow Joe to regain his VFX powers in the final battle, but it also allows Jasmine to transform in the epilogue as well. When players are first introduced to it, it is nothing more than Captain Blue's latest film.
- Canon Foreigner: Tons from the anime, but...
- Canon Immigrant: Captain Blue Jr. and Sprocket become playable in Red Hot Rumble.
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe: Used to restore the heroes' powers at the end of the second game.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience / Competitive Balance: After beating the first game on normal (Adults) difficulty--and the harder ones--with Joe, three characters are Promoted to Playable. They mostly have the same moves as Joe, but have their own stats and special abilities.
- Joe - Jack of All Stats
- Silvia - Fragile Speedster (She's faster than Joe, Alastor, and CB, her VFX bar lasts longer than anyone else, & she has the weakest HP).
- Alaster - Lightning Bruiser (VFX bar has to be activated manually a la Devil Trigger, has a longer jump, can fly briefly, stronger than other three characters, but not as fast as Silvia ).
- Captain Blue - Mighty Glacier (Cannot see skull marks regardless of difficulty, has the ability to hover across the screen indefinitely, and is stronger than Joe and Silvia).
- Dante (PlayStation 2 version only) - Lightning Bruiser (He's not as fast as Silvia, but still stronger than everyone else in the entire game)
- Combat Stilettos: Just about every female character.
- Continuity Nod: Statues of Gran Bruce, a boss from the first game, appear in Alastor's boss stage in 2.
- Corridor Cubbyhole Run: Level 4's torpedoes.
- Cut Short: The series was meant to be a trilogy; however, since Clover stopped to work on two spin offs, then got canned by Capcom, the third main-series game was never made.
- Deadly Doctor: The nurse Elite Mooks.
- Deadpan Snarker: Silvia, Alastor, Sprocket, and Blue Jr. in the anime.
- Deconstructed Trope: Trapped in TV Land is deconstructed with Captain Blue, who went through many problems. First, he makes a rise to fame, then he's yesterday's news. Then he goes to Movie Land, but due to the fact that he's trapped with no way to get home or back to his family, he ends up going insane due to the stress. It's even worse, when you take into account that, even if he could socialize with the characters of the films, he wouldn't be able to relate to them, because, no matter how realistic they are (or aren't), they're not really that relatable.
- Degraded Boss: Fire Leo in Viewtiful Joe, Drill Sergeant Big John in Viewtiful Joe 2.
- Did You Just Punch Out A God?: King Blue. He gets better, though.
- Damsel in Distress: Silvia in the first game. In the second, and one New Game+ mode of the first, she becomes an Action Girl.
- Do Androids Dream?/What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Miss Bloody Rachel learns to feel emotions after experiencing the Viewtiful nature of life at Joe and Silvia's hands. This doesn't fly with Dr. Cranken, who promptly electrocutes her. She gets better.
- Dumb Muscle: Gran Bruce needs a second to think before he does... uhh... dehh... ANYTHING!
- Except for telling Joe every detail of their dastardly plan.
- Elemental Barrier: By attacking rapidly while in mach speed, Joe obtains a fire aura. In the second game, Sylvia gains a lightning aura by using her replay power. These auras protect the player from fire and lightning, respectively, as well as solving fire and lightning-related puzzles (like lighting torches and activating machinery).
- Elemental Powers: Joe's fire aura adds heat to his attacks, setting enemies on fire. Sylvia's lightning aura causes some of her attacks to shock enemies. Both add additional damage.
- Elevator Action Sequence: The last levels of Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2. There's also an elevator fight in one of the levels of Red Hot Rumble.
- Everyone Loves Blondes: Joe for Silvia.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Averted. Drill Sergeant Big John makes several appearances throughout 2, to the point that he's little more than a nuisance.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Several moves invoke this trope.
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Gran Bruce in 1.
- Fake Difficulty: See 'Laser Hallway' below.
- Fallen Hero: Captain Blue.
- Foreshadowing: In the very first part of Viewtiful Joe, Silvia notes that there's something familiar about Captain Blue; at the end of the game, you find out that Captain Blue is Silvia's father. In Alastor's script, he also mentions the master's DNA, another possible hint.
- Fourth Wall Shut-in Story: Captain Blue fits this trope when he gets trapped in the Movie Land he had filmed. Although he isn't the hero of the actual video game.
- Friendly Enemy: Alastor to Joe in the anime. This is even lampshaded at one point.
Alastor: 'We're supposed to be enemies, but you treat me like I'm your cousin or something.' |

- Genre Savvy: Joe, Alastor, and quite a few others. Justified to the extreme in that they are all characters in an action movie and are entirely aware of that fact. Oddly, the first game's main villain, King/Captain Blue, averts this Trope; he's supposed to be the guy who makes these films, and knows their cliches and ideas in and out, so how is he not a more dangerous threat if he's got those traits?
- It's possible that being part of Movieland as the Big Bad binds him to the associated tropes whether he wants to play them straight or not, the way the other characters act according to their own Troperiffic roles as The Hero, The Rival, Femme Fatale, Goldfish Poop Gang, etc.
- Genre Shift: In the very last level of the first game, when you find out the main villain is none other than Captain Blue, Joe makes very few jokes, and the end of the game is a little more serious than the others.
- Glasses Girl: Silvia and Sprocket.
- A God Am I: Captain Blue.
- Jet Black also works.
- Both have a My God, What Have I Done? reaction after Joe beats them back to their senses; Jet Black in particular claims that he was being controlled by the Black Film, and in doing so hints that there was someone else controlling him. The third game probably would have addressed that...
- The Good Captain: Captain Blue, of course!
- Guide Dang It: Most of the bosses.
- Hellish Copter: The second mini-boss you face in the 1st level is a Black Thunder Helicopter. Upon being killed, it flies out of control, crashes, and explodes into large V points (this game's currency).
- Henshin A Go-Go Hero: Not just the heroes, but the villains, too.
- Heroic BSOD: Only in the anime adaption, when Joe finds out that Captain Blue is the Big Bad. It takes Blue Jr., Silvia, and people Joe met through Movie Land to get him out of it.
- He had a minor BSOD at the same moment in the game, too ('How? Why?'), but quickly snapped out of it himself.
- Homage: The entire final level of the first game is a homage to Star Wars.
- Joe's father, Jet, shares near-exactly the same hairstyle, outfit, and color scheme as the father of a little girl in an episode of the Ruby-Spears Mega Man cartoon. That character's name? Jet. The characters are otherwise unrelated, as the Jet from the cartoon lives in the future with his daughter under evil totalitarian rule. Joe's father, however...
- Humongous Mecha: Ups the ante to ridiculous levels, as Great Six Majin is big enough to walk around the Earth in a few strides, and Six X Six Majin is bigger than most planets.
- The only thing in the Solar System that Dark Kaiser is not larger than is the Sun. King Blue is the same size as Great Six Majin. In Double Trouble, Alastor gets his own mecha in the form of Rex Majin, which is as big as Six Majin (read: Godzilla-sized).
- Hypocritical Humor: Hulk Davidson brags about how he gave Captain Blue his scar, then screams 'Not in the Face' when attacked.
- Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels:
- Sweet mode from the Updated Rerelease and PlayStation 2 version of the first game.
- Kids (easy)[1]
- Adults (Normal)
- Idiot Hero: Joe. In the anime, at least.
- It Got Worse: In the first game's sixth level, you consecutively fight all the previous bosses except Alastor, then if you beat that without dying, you fight Fire Leo, and then in the next level, you fight multiple robot clones of Fire Leo several times, and if you should get past that, you fight King Blue and Captain Blue in succession. Yeah, have fun with that.
- Jaws First Person Perspective: Gran Bruce.
- Jumped At the Call: Joe.
- Justified Tutorial: In the first game, Joe is unsure how to use his V-Watch and has to be told how to use his powers by Captain Blue.
- Killer Yoyo: Captain Blue Junior uses one in the anime, before he stars duel-wielding them in Henshin mode.
- Lampshade Hanging: Too many to count!
- Laser Hallway: An incredible source of Fake Difficulty in the first game, since they move in 3D while you're limited to 2D, with terrible depth perception; also, they're hard to see while in Slow-mo, since the screen darkens.
- Launcher Move: 'Up you go, fella!'
- Light Is Not Good: Dark Hero, Jet Black, the Final Boss of 2.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Silvia, Captain Blue is your dad.
- Used in all three main games. Viewtiful Joe 2 has The Dark Emperor as Joe's father and Double Trouble has Big Bad Queen Heinderella as Joe and Jasmine's mother, come back from the dead for one day to see how her children have grown.
- MacGuffin: Arguably, the Rainbow Oscars in 2.
- Mad Scientist: Dr. Cranken in 2.
- Mana Meter: The VFX gauge.
- Mecha-Mooks: Every single enemy.
- Meganekko: Silvia.
- Sprocket from the anime.
- Mega Manning: Joker, a recurring King MookMini Boss from the first game. In your first encounter with him, his combat skills are limited to the standard Bianky punches and kicks, but in subsequent encounters, he adds additional abilities used by other Mooks to his repertoire, up until your last encounter with him, where he has learned most of them.
- Mirror Boss: Another Joe, complete with a Boss Remix of Joe's theme from the first stage.
- Money Spider: You knock the V points out of enemies, which become coins. Larger enemies and bosses give you bigger coins, and sometimes points are hidden in boxes.
- Mook Face Turn: Silvia and two Mecha-Mooks.
- Ms. Fanservice: Silvia in 2. From a Stripperiffic outfit during boss battles to loads and loads of Panty Shots to the most sensual Zoomed-in pose you'll ever see, Silvia has this one in the bag. Sprocket does give her a run for her money in the anime and Red Hot Rumble, though.
- Nebulous Evil Organisation: JADOW in 1, GEDOW in 2, MADOW in Double Trouble. (How do they come up with those names?)
- Nintendo Hard: Fire Leo. Also, the Rainbow V challenge to unlock 'super' versions of each character with unlimited VFX is quite possibly one of the most masochistic things one could do for a video game.
- Ultra V-Rated Mode is sadistic; even if you know how to predict their blows without the indicators, it's still kinda hard.
- No Fourth Wall: Alastor plugs the first game before his fight in the second.
Alastor:(addressing the player) I'm not about to introduce myself. If you wanna know who I am, go to your nearest discount store and get a copy of Viewtiful Joe. Go! Now! |
- No Inner Fourth Wall: One of the best examples, and the source of a lot of the humor. Joe is fully aware of every old movie trope he encounters, though he remains oblivious to any video game tropes he runs into unless the two overlap.
- The best example has to be Six Majin and King Blueliterally reaching through the fourth wall to pull Joe and Silvia into Movie Land.
- Old Superhero: Captain Blue.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder: It takes some work to get the game that way, but playing Silvia in the 1st game (takes twice as much damage as normal) on Ultra-V mode (you take 4x as much damage as normal) turns you into a two-hit wonder at maximum health, with anything that normally takes more than one heart's worth of damage turning into an instant kill.
- Only One Name: Joe, Silvia, and Jasmine and by proxy, Goldie, Ivory, and Junko are never given a last name. However, given that Jet Black is Joe and Jasmine's father and Junko's husband, and Captain Blue is Silvia and Goldie's father and Ivory's husband, this may have been answered in the most subtle of ways.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: How many video game series are based around this?
- Playing with Fire: Fire Leo. Also, when Joe uses his mach speed power, it can send him into Red Hot mode, where he does added fire damage and is immune to fire.
- Plucky Girl: Jasmine, and Silvia to a much lesser extent.
- Pragmatic Adaptation: While the anime is largely faithful to the games, they do change a few things up. The second season changes a lot of the story from the second game... And yet, somehow, it works.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: Present in the anime, made up of the weaker bosses from the first game.
- Recovery Attack: Joe's Ukemi can be used to recover, attack, and decrease damage taken all at once.
- Recurring Boss: Big John shows up in every level of the second game.
- Originates in the first with Joker and his slot machine.
- Also Captain Blue in the first game.
- Redheaded Hero: The main character himself. At the end of Double Trouble, his sister Jasmine gets in on the action too.
- Red Herring: At the end of 2, a new villain shows up in the real world to wreak havoc. Jet Black says that the newest adventure will reveal how he found the Black V-Watch and Black Film. Yet in Double Trouble the story picks up with Joe, Blue, Silvia, and Jasmine filming a movie. The two plots are almost completely unrelated, besides some possible insight on Jet's Start of Darkness.
- Perhaps not. Double Trouble is more of a spin-off. Also, the first game did mention the Earth would have to be saved three times.
- The series was intended to be a trilogy, but didn't end as planned due to a case of Screwed by the Network.
- The Rival: Alastor.
- Robot Girl: Miss Bloody Rachel in 2.
- Running Gag: Whenever Alastor is defeated, he appears to 'die' honorably. The narrator gets very sentimental over this. However, Alastor usually appears immediately afterwards to lament his lack of screen-time; in the first game he appeals directly to the players, and in 2 he speaks with Jet.
- Second-Hour Superpower: Joe's titular V-Watch.
- Sentai: An Affectionate Parody.
- Sequel Hook: Invoked Trope at the end of the first game and the second game.
- And Double Trouble.
- Sequence Breaking: In the fourth 'episode' of the first game, It's possible to run across the torpedoes without deactivating them, which allows you to skip the first 'mission' of the area and go right to the chapter end boss.
- Shout-Out: The franchise as a whole is a Shout-Out and Affectionate Parody of Toku shows in general.
- To Devil May Cry, which is made by the same studio.
- To go in-depth, Alastor himself. Not only does he possess the attacks (Stinger, Air Raid, Round Trip, Vortex, etc.) and purple lightning powers of his sword namesake, but when fought in Dante's story, Alastor reveals that he's the spirit of the sword and fumes that Dante didn't take him along during Devil May Cry 2. Alastor also possesses a version of Joe's Red Hot Kick called Ultraviolet Kick; this is a nod to the Leitmotif of Nelo Angelo in DMC1. In 2, his Super-Powered Evil Side (Underworld Emperor Alastor) physically resembles Dante's Alastor Devil Trigger and speaks the same line to Joe ('I am Alastor. The weak shall give their heart and swear their eternal loyalty to me.') that he said to Dante before impaling him (Joe is much luckier, due to his VFX powers).
- Some standout and somewhat obscure to US players examples: Joe's visor going down during boss battles and the overall design of his costume are homages to the 1977 TokuKaiketsu Zubat, and Joe's scarf is a homage to the Kamen Rider series.
- The reference goes further: in the Viewtiful Escape level, Joe makes a bet with Another Joe that whoever loses the fight has to wear a yellow scarf. This is a reference to the original Kamen Rider: Kamen Rider 2's most obvious difference from his predecessor's appearance was his yellow scarf (as opposed to 1's red scarf).
- Six Machine being similar in sound to the famous James Brown song 'Sex Machine', anyone? Also, if Joe's last name is indeed the same as Jet's, it might be a reference to the movie Meet Joe Black.
- MADOW is chock-full of 'em. Gadget-Cop is RoboCop, Killer Hands is Edward Scissorhands with less creepy/JohnnyDepp, Alter Woman is a homage of the various size-changingcharacters in Comic Books, but is primarily a nod towards Ultraman, and the Meta Rangers are an Affectionate Parody of Sentai/Kamen Rider.
- The evil organizations? Early Showa-era Kamen Rider all the way. Complete with boss titles.
- The second level in Double Trouble has one to Resident Evil 2. Complete with the lobby music from the police department.
- The music from the first game that plays while Captain Blue is explaining his past is a remix of a piece from the first Ace Attorney game. Here's acomparison.
- Silvia possess a variant of Joe's Red Hot Kick named the Cool Blue Kick. While in the first game, it's exactly the same as Joe's technique, in 2, it gains electric properties, and her pose during the attack directly mirrors its source material: a lunging kick used by Remy from Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.
- Speaking of the Red Hot Kick, it's yet another way that Joe homages Kamen Rider: It's basically a Rider Kick. In Double Trouble, the Meta Rangers, who are basically Kamen Riders in all but name, have the same move as name 'Meta Kick'.
- Heck, the Meta Rangers' boss theme is a Kamen Rider shout out: It sounds remarkably similar to 'Let's Go Rider Kick', the theme of the first two Kamen Riders.
- Ultimately subverted due to the fact it came four years beforehand, but Humongous Mecha Six Machine has a red design, with one helmeted face on top and one face on the torso with a V-Shaped decal in front of it.
- Each level has a movie (or game) poster for it, based off of several real-world posters, as well as the name being similar to a movie title. In order for the first game, they are: Dracula (Joe The Hero), King Kong (Some Like It Red Hot), Jaws (2,000,000 Under The Sea), The Hunt for Red October (The Viewtiful Escape), Devil May Cry (Midnight Thunder Boy), Gladiator (The Magnificent Five), Star Wars (Joe & Silvia).
- For the second game, we get: Ten-Million Years B.C., Viewtiful Heroes and the Statue of Doom, Memoir of an Invincible Monster, Thunder Boy Lives Twice, Ice Edge, Do Androids Dream of Romantic Scene?, and Starship Viewties.
- Also, the powers (except for replay) are shout outs to film techniques. Slow Mo is obvious, taken from slowing down parts for dramatic effect. Mach Speed is used in television mostly, used most of the time for clean-the-room montages in sitcoms. Zoom In is from the old school horror flicks, in which the camera would quickly zoom close to the face of some frightening person with a menacing gaze.
- 'So what's with that V-Watch on your arm, huh? You think you're some kind of Mega Man or something?'
- The 'HMD' on Joe's shirt is a reference to the Lead Programmer of Mega Man 2, who identified himself as such.
- To Devil May Cry, which is made by the same studio.
- Show Within a Show: Well, more like Movie Within A Game, which is where most of the action takes place.
- Speed Stripes: They appear whenever you activate Mach Speed.
- Spin to Deflect Stuff: The spinning part is optional; you only need to be in Slow-mo. For maximum spin and maximum deflection, you can use the Zoom-In Spin Kick.
- Start of Darkness: Jet Black uncovering the Black Film and Black V-Watch. Double Trouble implies that the untimely death of his wife Junko also pushed him over the edge. For Blue, it was his fade from popularity in the movies as well as his willingness to live in the movies.
- Staying Alive: Alastor. He's never dead, no matter how sad the narrator gets over his death; he's just somewhere not getting any more screen time for the rest of the game. And complaining bitterly about it.
- Stripperiffic: Sexy Silvia's cheerleader-themed outfit (complete with a perpetual Panty Shot) is actually modest. For most boss fights in 2, however, the getup transforms into a midriff-baring combination of a bikini and hot pants. Also, there's Sprocket.
- Tag Team: Joe and Silvia, using their Viewtiful Switch moves.
- Theme Naming: Silvia, Captain Blue, Ivory, Goldie, Jet Black. They're all named for colors.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Joe's favorite food are Cheeseburgers in the anime, and in the games they recover his health.
- Transformation Trinket: The V-Watch, V-Yo-Yo, etc. Also the Black V-Watch.
- The Triple Take: In the second game, Silvia has this as a power instead of Super Speed. Unfortunately, if you're hit while you're using the power, you take three times the damage.
- That's why you protect yourself with Slow and up your damage with Zoom.
- Tsundere: Silvia from 2-onwards, although she shows brief flashes of it in the first game.
- Twincest: More than likely unintentional, but in the first game, all playable characters have the exact same actions in their cutscenes. Meaning that Silvia attempting to make out with Joe during the game's intro sequence carries through with Silvia and her sister Goldie.
- The Unintelligible: Applies to cutscenes for the extra characters in the first game. Most of the dialogue is preexisting audio scrambled and played backwards. For Secret CharacterDante, his lines come from the original Devil May Cry.
- Updated Rerelease: The first game had a Japan-only one called Viewtiful Joe: Revival, which added a 'Sweet' difficulty. This was also included in the PS2 version.
- Unreliable Narrator: The Narrator persistently attempts to make Joe's showboating look heroic.
- It's even more hilarious when you realize the narrator isJecht!
- 'Wake-Up Call' Boss: Hulk Davidson in the first game, Flinty Stone in 2.
- Warrior Poet: Frost Tiger in 2. He even utters some poetry in his death throes. It makes his death all the more epic.
Viewtiful Joe Games
Frost Tiger (after dispatching Big John): 'Though I have slain/ my heart aches/ the piteous beast fades/ as morning dew.' |
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Joe. In everything he does.
- All he has to say to transform is 'Henshin'. The other words are just for fun.
- Also: VFX Power Zoom. It consists of zooming in the shot on Joe, adding blur and motion lines everywhere to focus on the hero, and Joe striking an heroic pose. It also adds crazy effects to his attacks in the name of making everything awesome, like making his jumps into flying drills, his falls into earth-shaking Ground Pounds, his kicks into windmill strikes of death, turning his punch into a blindingly fast flurry of blows, and the Redhot Kick into a burning dragon drill drop! Last, but not least, is the Viewtiful Forever, which has Zoom turn his Bullet Time dodge into a weaponized Asskicking Pose!
- In the beginning of 2, Joe learns that the V-Watch can change the clothing of their users in accordance to their desires. Then comes this event:
Joe: 'Go-go phat fat!' (a 'V' poofs onto his Nice Hat) 'SHAZAM!' |
- Worthy Opponent: Alastor, as well as Frost Tiger in 2.
- X Meets Y: It's Kamen Rider meets Last Action Hero story-wise, with gameplay similar to Kung-Fu Master.
- You Killed My Brother: Subverted with Frost Tiger. Joe and Silvia expect him to want Revenge for the death of Fire Leo in 1, but Frost Tiger is too concerned with having a good fight to care about such petty things. Still, the strategy guide implies that Tiger may be a mite ticked off about the death of his brother.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Silvia's normal outfit in 2 and Double Trouble. Her Sexy Silvia outfit would have counted had it not been for the tights.
Viewtiful Joe Volcano Slot Machine Wins
- ↑ You cannot do a New Game+ to Adults or harder modes, if you did your first play-through on either of these easy modes